Events 2024

Events 2024

25 October – Make Votes Matter
Webinar – 17.00 BST
Our Democratic Futures: A discussion about electoral reform in the US, Canada, & the UK. Why Proportional Representation is needed & what the routes to reform might look like.
Speakers: Lee Drutman, Hina Bokhari, Dennis Pilon
Register to attend here

Festival of Europe

23 October – UK in a Changing Europe
In person/live on Slido – 20.00 – 21.15 BST
Reflections on election success, the state of British politics and the future role of the Lib Dems.
Speaker: Layla Moran MP
Register to attend here

Festival of Europe

17 October – European Policy Centre
Zoom Webinar – 10.00 – 11.00 CET
EU-UK relations – Towards deeper cooperation in defence and security
Speakers: Juha Jokela, Richard G. Whitman, Almut Möller
Register to attend here

Festival of Europe

15 October – UK in a Changing Europe
Live on Slido/YouTube – 13.00 BST
Minorities report: the attitudes of Britain’s ethnic minority population
Speakers: Prof. Anand Menon, Sophie Stowers, James Kanagasooriam, Zain Mohyuddin
Register to attend here

Festival of Europe

7 October – North Herts for Europe
Online Zoom – 19.00 – 20.15 BST
What can Labour really do about Brexit?
Speaker: Peter Foster – author of What went wrong with Brexit, and what can we do about it.
How far can the new government reset relations with the EU given the “red lines”?
Register to attend here

Festival of Europe

28 September – National Rejoin March III
In person event, London – 13.00 – 17.00 BST
Join Bremain at the march/rally – further details to follow on NRM website
Donate to the march here
Join the dedicated Bremain march group here

Festival of Europe

17 September – UK in a Changing Europe
Live on Slido/YouTube – 13.00 – 14.00 BST
Can Labour really reset the UK’s relationship with the EU?
Speakers: Prof. Anand Menon, Jill Rutter, Catherine Barnard, Jannike Wachowiak, Joël Reland
Register to attend here

Festival of Europe

14 September – Thank EU for the Music
In person event, London – 15.00 – 19.30 BST
6th Annual flag give-away at the Last Night of the Proms.
For more information & to register your interest, volunteer here or sign-up to the event on Facebook here

Festival of Europe

12 September – Power to the People Group
Webinar (in 10 languages) – 19.00 CEST
All Aboard – How can citizen assemblies shape our democracies?
Speakers: Art O’Leary, Prof. Kalypso Nicolaidis, Niccolo Milanese, Sarah Handel, Brett Henig, Alexiane Terrochaire (+ others tbc)
Register to attend here

Festival of Europe

3 September – UK in a changing Europe
Live on Slido/YouTube – 13.00 – 14.00 BST
Parliament resits – the policy landscape: discussing the key policy changes facing the UK
Speakers: Prof. Anand Menon, Ben Zaranko, Jill Rutter, Sarah Hall, Jonathan Portes
Register to attend here

Festival of Europe

2 September – Institute for Government
Webinar – 13.00 – 14.00 BST
Parliament returns: What next for British politics? – the opportunities & challenges ahead
Speakers: Emma Norris, Alex Thomas, Giles Wilkes, Dr. Hannah White
Register to attend here

Festival of Europe

6 August – Open Britain
Online event – 18.30 – 19.45 BST
Post-election discussion : how a new government can restore democracy, rational debate & fact-based policy making.
Speaker: Will Hutton
Register to attend here

Festival of Europe

17 July – UK in a Changing Europe
Live on Slido/You Tube – 13.00 – 14.00 BST
Exploring the prospects for the European Political Community hosted by the new UK government
Speakers: Prof. Anand Menon, Nathalie Tocci, Ilke Toygur, Susi Dennison
Reserve your place here

Festival of Europe

19 June – Unlock Democracy/Make Votes Matter – Online webinar – 19.00 – 20.30 BST
Countdown to polling day – what do the polls really tell us re public opinion, politicians & the state of the nation?
Speakers: Sir John Curtice, Prof. Maria Iacovou
Register to attend here

Festival of Europe

17 June – EU/UK Forum Annual Conference
Online – 10.30 – 17.00 CEST
Addressing the evolving dynamics of EU/UK relations
Speaker: Maroš Šefcovic, EC VP
More information here

Festival of Europe

13 June – Conservative European Forum
Online – 18.00 – 19.00 BST
Between Putin & Trump: the chance for a UK/EU reset
Speakers: Timothy Garton Ash, Isaiah Berlin
Register to attend here

Festival of Europe

30 May – Radix Big Tent
Webinar – 18.00 – 19.00 BST
How would an alternative economic & political philosophy remake a better Britain?
Speakers: Will Hutton, Vicky Pryce
Register to attend here

Festival of Europe

29 May – European Movement UK
Online – 18.30 – 19.30 BST
The fight for the ECHR: What is at stake?
Speakers: Andrew Cutting, Dominic Grieve, Jessica Simor KC
Register to attend here

Festival of Europe

22 May – Open Britain
Online – 19.00 – 20.00 BST
This time no mistakes: How to remake Britain
Speaker: Will Hutton will be discussing his latest publication
Register to attend here

Festival of Europe

15 May – UK in a Changing Europe
In person/Live on Slido – 19.00 BST
Unlocked – how Britain can heal post-Brexit divisions & how a Labour government would differ from the Tories in their international approach
Speaker: Lisa Nandy MP
Register to attend in-person here
Register to attend online here

Festival of Europe

7 May – UCL European Institute
Online – 17.45 – 19.45 ST
Britain’s future relationship with the EU – a German perspective
Speakers: Annette Dittert, Mike Galsworthy
Register to attend here

Festival of Europe

24 April – UK in a changing Europe
In person/live on Slido – 19.00 BST
Unlocked – reflections on elections past & an insight in election number crunching ahead of the general election
Speaker: Sir John Curtice
Register to attend here

Festival of Europe

18 April – Best for Britain
Livestream event – 9.00 – 10.00 BST
Crisis of Confidence: How do we restore trust in politics?
Speakers: Naomi Smith, Ros Taylor, Damian Lyons Lowe
Register to attend here

Festival of Europe

17 April – European Parliament Liaison UK
Online discussion – 15.00 – 16.00 BST
Parliaments in dialogue: EU-UL security policy co-operation – State of play & outlook
Speakers: David McAllister MEP, Alicia Kearns MP, Prof. Malcom Chalmers
Register to attend here

Festival of Europe

16 April – Grassroots for Europe – Round Table
Zoom webinar – 17.00 – 18.30 BST
Women’s role in Democracy & Peace
Speakers: Gina Miller, Helen Maguire, Julie Ward, Kati Systa, Jane Morrice
Register to attend here

Festival of Europe

14 April – N. Herts for Europe
Webinar – 17.00 – 18.30 BST
Brexit: What Rejoiners know, and Brexiters don’t
Speaker: Jonty Bloom
Register to attend here

Festival of Europe

4 April – N.E. Surrey for Europe
Online – 19.30 – 21.00 BST
Join us on the road back to Europe. What’s next for Rejoin?
Speaker: Mike Galsworthy
Register to attend here

Festival of Europe

3 April – WWW Worldwide Wednesday
Online – 20.00 – 21.00 CEST
Rebuilding Britain & Europe’s future hope together – assessing the challenges & opportunities
Speakers: Sir Nick Harvey, Graham Bishop
Register to attend here

Festival of Europe

23 March – Day for Rejoin 2024
In person events – across UK/EU
Get the date in your diary now & watch out for further details. Or organise your own event.
More information here

Festival of Europe

19 March – ECAS Conference 2024, Brussels
In person/Online – 09.30 – 13.00 CET
State of the Union Citizens’ Rights – Towards a stronger democracy that leaves no one behind
For further information email:
Register to attend here

Festival of Europe

​18 March – European Movement UK
Webinar/Live stream – 19.30 – 21.00 GMT
British Politics in crisis: Post-Brexit, how do we reclaim the soul of our country?
Speakers: Gina Miller, Gavin Esler
Register to attend here

Festival of Europe

14 March – E. Kent for Europe – UK
In person/online – 18.00 – 19.30 GMT
Learn more about EM’s past significance, 75 year history and its important role in building back our relationship with Europe
Speaker: European Movement UK CEO, Nick Harvey
Register to attend in person here
Register to attend online here

Festival of Europe

12 March 2024 – UK in a Changin Europe
Live on Slido/YouTube – 13.00 – 14.00 GMT
Discussing the Spring 2024 Budget & the potential impact on the UK economy
Speakers: Anand Menon, Jill Rutter, Sarah Hall,
Ben Chu, Jonathan Portes
Register to attend here

Festival of Europe

12 March – Make Votes Matter
Online webinar – 19.00 GMT
The stability compromise: real or imagined?
Speakers: Cat Smith, Dillon Difford
Register to attend here

Festival of Europe

11 March – Institute for Government
Online event – 12.30 – 13.30 GMT
Fixing the centre of Government – launching the final report of the IFG’s Commission on the centre of government
Speakers: Sir John Major, Gordon Brown
Register to watch livestream here

Festival of Europe

5 March – UK in a Changing Europe
Live on Slido/YouTube – 13.00 – 14.00 GMT
Referendums no more? Are referendums off the agenda?
Speakers: Joelle Grogan, Joseph Ward, Matt Qvortrup, Meg Russell
Register to attend here

Festival of Europe

29 February – NE Surrey for Europe
In person/Online – 19.30 – 21.30 GMT
How we can work towards rebuilding o0ur relationship with Europe
Speaker: Mike Galsworthy
Register to attend here

Festival of Europe

22 February – European Movement UK
Online – 18.30 – 19.30 GMT
Face the Music – we need a new deal for musicians
Speakers: Jon Collins, Maura McKeon, Yvonne Wanke, Mike Edwards, Michael Anderson
Register to attend here

Festival of Europe

20 February – UK in a Changing Europe
Live on Slido/YouTube – 13.00 GMT
UK-EU foreign, security and defence cooperation beyond Ukraine
Speakers: Anand Menon, Iain Gill, Richard Whitman, Jannike Wachowiak, Nicolai von Ondarza
Register to attend here

Festival of Europe

7 February – Make Votes Matter
Zoom webinar – 18.30 – 19.30 GMT
The launch of ‘P.R. Delivers’ general election campaign
Speakers:  Femi Oluwole, Jim Williams, Andy Berriman, Steve Gilmore
Register to attend here

Festival of Europe

25 January – London 4 Europe
Zoom Webinar – 18.45 – 20.00 GMT
EU Environmental Policy – its relevance post Brexit
Speakers: Nigel Haigh, Klajdi Selimi, Michael Nicholson
Register to attend here

Festival of Europe

23 January – UK in a Changing Europe
Live on Slido/YouTube – 13.00 GMT
3 years of the Trade Cooperation Agreement
Speakers: Anand Memon, Catherine Barnard, Pedro Serrano, Lindsay Croisdale-Appleby
Register to attend here

Festival of Europe

21 January – North Herts for Europe
Zoom Webinar – 17.00 – 18.15 GMT
Reasons to Hope & Reasons to Despair over Britain rejoining the EU
Speaker: Nick Tyrone
Register to attend here

Festival of Europe

16 January – Patients not passports
Zoom Webinar – 19.00 – 20.30 GMT
A series of Government anti-migrant plans looks set to exclude all but the richest from migrating and families will be torn apart by the new Immigration Health Service.
More information, should you wish to join the campaign, is available here
Register to attend the event here

Festival of Europe

9 January – UK in a Changing Europe
Live on Slido/YouTube – 13.00 – 14.00 GMT
The year of elections – focusing on elections in USA, UK & EU.
Speakers: Anand Menon, Rob Ford, Sara Hobolt, William Galston
More information here
Sign up to watch the event here

Festival of Europe
Celebrating EUROPE DAY – Thursday 9 May 2024

Celebrating EUROPE DAY – Thursday 9 May 2024

Europe Day is an annual celebration, commemorating peace and unity across Europe and marking the anniversary of the historic Schuman declaration of 1950.


Schuman’s proposal set out his ideas for a new form of political cooperation across Europe that would make war between neighbouring nations unthinkable. It was the beginning of what we now know, and value, as the European Union.

In Spain, and most EU countries, the EU flag is flown every day on public buildings, together with the Spanish, regional and local flags. It is a symbol of pride in our membership of the EU, and a daily reminder of the benefits of being part of the European family.

During the run up to Europe Day Bremain in Spain members and supporters shared their images of the European flag flying on buildings throughout Spain and Europe.

. . . . May 9th 2024 . . . .

National Rejoin March II – Saturday 23rd September

National Rejoin March II – Saturday 23rd September

Bremainers March For Rejoin
Saturday 23rd September 2023

Keeping up with the march as
it happened.

“We marched for an end to Brexit, we marched for a second referendum, and we’ll keep marching until the politicians catch up with common sense and the British public and take us back into the EU, where we belong.”

Bremain’s Vice Chair Lisa Burton’s excellent speech.

“As British migrants living in Spain, we are literally living proof of the incredible opportunities that freedom of movement can bring. Most of us would not now qualify for any visa post-Brexit and we need to change the narrative, and minds, because the removal of freedom of movement only stops our children, families, and friends from having the same opportunities as 450 million of our European neighbours. Rejoining is inevitable; demographics alone prove this. Our politicians need to get on board to stem the damage now and start talking about how we can get back into the heart of Europe. We need a seat at that table for all our sakes” – Lisa Burton Vice Chair Bremain in Spain

We Want Our STAR Back…

“You might expect that after seven long and painful years since the referendum, Brits abroad might have gotten over the stress, anger and sadness that shocked us to the core when we heard the result of the referendum. That has not been our experience at Bremain in Spain. When Brexit was supposedly “done”, we expected our membership numbers to dip as we all tried to come to terms with the situation. With Brexit removing our treasured rights and opportunities, we were now having to fight for all that we had lost with our hands tied behind our backs. We expected some members would think it was now time to move on – for their own sanity, if nothing else – but in fact, our numbers continue to grow.

Protecting the rights of UK nationals in the EU has always been one of our primary goals. Whilst we should look at all available options to enhance those rights, we have never believed in cakeism. The only way for us to regain all that we have lost is to regain our EU citizenship, and there is only one way to do that – by rejoining the EU. That’s why we were protesting and speaking at the National Rejoin March in London, as we have done every year since 2016, and will continue to do until we are back at the heart of Europe where we belong. This is too important a fight, and even if our politicians aren’t brave enough to admit as much, the public have woken up. Rejoining the EU is inevitable. We just have to get on with it. The country cannot afford to wait!” – Sue Wilson MBE Chair Bremain in Spain

“It was another brilliant day in the Rejoiner calendar, with numbers bigger than the first march last year. Despite some of the frankly ridiculous reports in UK media. People from all around the UK attended, not least seriously dedicated groups from Scotland. We also had people come from our European neighbours, not least the amazing crew at Bremain in Spain, one of whom, Lisa Burton, spoke at the rally and blew away the audience! It was an extremely positive and hope filled day and plans are now already underway for National Rejoin March III in 2024. See you all there!” – Peter Corr – Co-Founder National Rejoin March

Events 2022

Events 2022

3rd December – Electoral Reform Society
In person/Online event – 10.30 – 14.00 GMT
The members & supporters Conference & AGM takes place in Cardiff but you can also join online. Open to members only, but you can join in advance here
Register to attend here

Festival of Europe

1st & 8th December – Stop Funding Hate
Zoom workshops – 13.00-15.00/10.30-12.20 GMT
Learn about tactics used by Stop Funding Hate to defund toxic media and discuss the theory of change. Also, discover how to work together to combat hate and spot different types of hate speech.
Register to attend here

Festival of Europe

29th November – European Movement
In person & online event – 18.00 – 20.00 GMT
Battle for the soul of the country: In conversation with The Big 4
Panel: Lord Michael Heseltine, Sir Vince Cable, Caroline Lucas & Lord Andrew Adonis
Tickets (£25) currently sold out but you can add you name to the waiting list or join online
Join the waiting list here or watch online

Festival of Europe

23rd November – Good Law Project
Livestream Interview – 18.00 – 19.00 GMT
Join the Conversation with leading lawyer & experts on human right, Adam Wagner.
Register to attend here

Festival of Europe

19th November – Unlock Democracy
In person & online event – 11.00 – 12.15 GMT
Democracy & the future of Britain: a conversation about national identity, devolution, independence & electoral reform
Speaker: Gavin Esler
Register to attend here

Festival of Europe

16th November – Oxford for Europe
Zoom online event – 19.00 GMT
A perfect storm of crises – what can be done?
Panel: Lord John Alderdyce & Vicky Pryce
Further information available here
Register to attend here

Festival of Europe

9th November – European Britons
Webinar – 20.30 CET
Thinking workshops: The rights & responsibilities of European Britons with regard to the EU?
Meeting ID: 884 4762 2577
Attend meeting via Zoom here

Festival of Europe

8th November – UK in a changing Europe
Live on Slido & YouTube – 13.00 – 14.15 GMT
The current economic climate, including the impact of Covid, Brexit, the cost-of-living crisis & government policies
Panel: Ben Chu, Gemma Tetlow, Jonathan Portes, Jill Rutter, Anand Menon
Register to attend here

Festival of Europe

25th October – Independent Newspaper
Online Zoom – 18.30 – 19.30 BST
Deciphering Trussonomics:
What has happened, what it means & what to expect
Host: John Rentoul
Panel includes: Sean O’Grady & Julian Jessop
Register to attend here

Festival of Europe

22nd October – National Rejoin March

Join Bremain in Spain at the first national march to rejoin the EU.
Speakers include: Terry Reintke, Molly Scott Cato, Julie Ward, Lord Adonis, Steve Bray, Femi Oluwole, Baroness Sarah Ludford, Mike Cashman, Mike Galsworthy, Siobhan Benita, Madeleina Kay & Bremain Chair, Sue Wilson

For further information, visit official website here
Listen to the latest SMR radio show, with interviews with the march organisers here
Advise the organisers of your attendance here
If you would like to volunteer, click here
Should you wish to donate, click here

Bremain is an official march partner. If you are a member of the Bremain in Spain Facebook group & are planning to attend, please apply to join our dedicated march group here

Festival of Europe

20th October – UK in a Changing Europe
Live on Slido & YouTube – 13.00 – 14.15 BST
Levelling Up: What England thinks
Chair: Paula Surridge
Panellists: Jen Williams, Will Jennings, Lawrence McKay, Suzanne Hall, Sophie Stowers
Register for the event here

Festival of Europe

18th October – York for Europe
Online Zoom – 19.30 BST
The new European Political Community which has just met in Prague for the first time.
To join the conversation simply click the Zoom link below at the meeting start time.
Speaker: Richard Corbett – Honorary President of Leeds for Europe & former Labour MEP
Zoom link here

Festival of Europe

13th October – Stop Funding Hate
Online Workshop – 18.30 – 20.00 BST
A fun, interactive workshop designed to help you work against hate, enable you to spot different types of hate speech and to teach you how to deal with it.
Register to attend here
Unable to attend? Email for future dates here

Festival of Europe

13th September – Make Votes Matter
In person event, London – 19.30 – 20.30
Democracy loves climate justice – PR can have a positive impact on climate emergency
Chair: Jonathan Porritt, + panellists Natalie Bennett, Wera Hobhouse, Clive Lewis
Register to attend here

Festival of Europe

27th July – Independent
Online event – 18.30 – 19.30 BST
Brexit: Will a new PM be able to solve the N.I. issue?
Panel: A panel of experts will be hosted by chief political commentator, John Rentoul
Register to attend here

Festival of Europe

21st July – Federal Trust
Online event – 17.00 – 19.00 BST
Getting Brexit undone
Speakers: Prof. Andrew Blick, Dr. Denis MacShane, Brendan Donnelly
Register to attend here

Festival of Europe

21st July – UK in a Changing Europe
Live on Slido/You Tube – 13.00 – 14.15 BST
The current economic climate & the impact of the cost-of-living crisis, Covid & Brexit
Economics Panel: Ben Chu, Thomas Sampson, Gemma Tetlow & Anand Menon
Register to attend here

Festival of Europe

19th July – Makes Votes Matter
Virtual event – 18.30 BST
Democracy Loves Local Power – showcasing Proportional Representation
Panellists: Jane Dodds, Zack Polanski, Paul Sweeney, Tommy Sheppard, Jackie Weaver
Register to attend here

Festival of Europe

5th July – European Movement International
Online panel discussion – 10.00 – 11.30 CEST
Building on the Conference on the Future of Europe – The Way Forward
Panel includes: Alice-Marie Higgins, Joy Clara Schäflein, Marco Cilento, Petros Fassoulas
Event page and livestream link here

Festival of Europe

25th June – SLF Conference
In person & online – 10.00 – 16.30 BST
UK & Europe: Offshore Island or Part of the Main? Full Programme here
Speakers include: Will Hutton, Prof. Chris Grey, Alistair Carmichael, Sophie in ‘t Veld
Buy in person tickets here, online here

Festival of Europe

23rd June – UK in a Changing Europe
In person & online – 09.00 – 17.30 BST
The World Beyond Brexit
Speakers include: Lord David Frost, David Lammy, Anand Menon
Sign up here

Festival of Europe

16th June – European Movement Int’l
Online event – 14.00 – 15.30 CEST
Building on the Conference on the Future of Europe – What’s Next?
Speakers include: Alice-Mary Higgins, Maroc Cilento, Petros Fassoulas
Register to attend here

Festival of Europe

15th June – Good Law Project
Online live event – 17.00 – 18.00 – BST
Is the UK Shutting Down Dissent?
Panel includes: Jo Maugham, Roger Hallam, Dr. Shola Mos-Shogbamim, Parm Sandhu
Register to attend here

Festival of Europe

13th June – Make Votes Matter
Virtual event – 18.30 – 20.00 BST
Democracy Loves Strong & Stable Government
Speakers include: Terry Reintke, David Gauke, Stephen Kinnock, Malcolm Baalman
Register to attend here

Festival of Europe

11th June – Make Votes Matter
National Action Day – all day

An opportunity to help reinforce grassroots momentum for Proportional Representation.
Save the date and consider planning your own local event. Further details will be available in due course.
View MVM website here

Festival of Europe

9th June European Movement UK
Zoom Meeting – 20.00 BST
Explaining EM’s “Step by Step to Rejoin” campaign policy
Guest Speaker: EM’s Campaigns Strategy Advisor, Dr. Mike Galsworthy
Meeting ID: 876 6523 7696
Zoom link here

Festival of Europe

25th May – Solidarity Knows No Borders
Online line – 18.00 BST
End the hostile environment and fight for migrant and racial justice
Speakers: Full list on view when you register
Register to attend here

Festival of Europe

24th May – Make Votes Matter
Webinar – 19.00 CET
Democracy Loves Diversity – showcasing how we can use PR to build a better society.
Speakers: Femi Oluwole, Shaista Aziz, Amelia Womack, Dr. Hannah Barham-Brown, Hina Bokhari, Dr. Maria Iacovou
Reserve your place here

Festival of Europe

23rd May – Make Votes Matter/Get PR Done
Online event launch – 19.00 BST
New project – “Councils for PR: one goal, one motion” – working to change the UK to Proportional Representation in elections.
Speaker: Clive Lewis MP
Send email to receive registration link

Festival of Europe

14th May – Open Britain
Stop the Rot rally – London – 11.00
This event marks the beginning of a ‘summer of action’ for all those saying enough is enough.
Speakers include: David Lammy, Peter Tatchell, Tom Brake, Rosie Holt, Marina Purkiss
Sign up for the rally here

Festival of Europe

9th May European Parliament Liaison Office
In person live concert – London – 19.00
To celebrate Europe Day, the concert will also be live-streamed & will include pieces by Mozart, Dvořák & Beethoven
Performers: The Chamber Orchestra of Europe & the European Community Youth Orchestra
More details here

Festival of Europe

8th May EU Flag Mafia – Europe Day Concert
Ticketed event – London – 14.30 + rally at Europe House at 13.00
Celebrate Europe Day & support Ukraine DEC
Performers: Romano Viazzani Ensemble, Joanna Strand, Jacqui Tate, Alessandro Fisher
More details here, buy tickets here

Festival of Europe

29th April – 1st May – Byline Festival
Ticketed Event
A mix of inquisitive journalism, Free Speech, Comedy, Music & Entertainment
Contributors include: Rio Ferdinand, Carole Cadwalladr, Jonathan Pie, Bonnie Greer OBE
More information available here
Buy tickets here

Festival of Europe

20th April – Grassroots for Europe
Zoom event – 19.30 BST
Telling a New Story about Europe: Insights from Psychology
Speakers: Richard Bentall, Nick Crosby & Jane Thomas
Register to attend here

Festival of Europe

6th April – Independent
Online Event – 18.30 BST
Exploring the Government’s Pursuit of Brexit Opportunities
Panel of experts: John Rentoul, Prof. Anand Menon, Naomi Smith, John Stone
Questions can be submitted in advance
Register to attend here

Festival of Europe

31st March – Bylines Network
Online event 19.00 – 20.30 GMT
A Guide to Electoral Journalism
Scott Hunter, Jane Thomas, Alex Toal
Join the guestlist here

Festival of Europe

31st March – DCU Brexit Institute
Online event – 15.00 GMT
The Ukraine War & the Future of the EU
Speakers include: Prof. Daire Keogh, Thomas Byrne TD, Prof. Anand Menon
Register to attend here

Festival of Europe

29th March – ECAS
Online Conference – 9.30 – 12.30 CET
State of the Union Citizens’ Rights 2022
Reinventing EU Citizenship post COVID 19
Speakers include: Tana Toom MEP, Julie Bishop, Eoin Young, Omro Preiss
Register to attend here

Festival of Europe

29th March – UK in a Changing Europe
In person event & live on Slido – 09.00 – 17.30 GMT
Constitution & Governance in the UK Conference
Justice Secretary Robert Buckland, Baroness Hale
Register to attend here

Festival of Europe

24th March – E. Kent European Movement Online Zoom event – 19.15 – 20.45 GMT
How Britain Ends: the stresses & strains resulting from Brexit
Speaker: Gavin Esler
Register to attend here

Festival of Europe

10th March – Festival of Europe
Zoom event – 19.00 GMT
Young Brits on the Future of Europe
Madeleina Kay, Olga Ambrosiewicz, Michael Anderson
Book your place here

Festival of Europe

10th March – European Movement Int’l
Streaming live on Facebook/Twitter/ YouTube /Linked In – 13.00 – 14.00 CET
European Chats with EM UK & Switzerland
Lord Adonis, Raphael Bez, Petros Fassoulas
Read more about European Chats here
Register to attend here

Festival of Europe

9th March – Good Law Project & Redress
Live Facebook/Twitter – 18.00–19.00 GMT
The fragile state of UK citizenship
Panel includes:
Jo Maugham, Richard Ratcliffe, Yasmin Ahmed
Sign up to attend here

Festival of Europe

3rd March – European Movement -UK
Online event – 18.30 GMT
What Putin’s invasion of Ukraine means for Europe
Speakers include:
H.E. Sophie Katsarava MBE, Kees Klompenhouwer, Claire Moody
Register to attend here

Festival of Europe

22nd February

Online event

20.15 – 22.00 CET

N.E. Surrey for Europe
The Lost Decade, Brexit & Austerity
Polly Toynbee, Journalist
Send questions in advance here
Register to attend here

Festival of Europe

22nd February

In person conference, London, & live on Slido

9.00 – 17.30 GMT

UK in a Changing Europe
British politics after Brexit Conference 2022
Speakers include:
Adam Boulton, Prof. Anand Menon, Sam Coates, Carla Denyer, Huw Edwards, Sir John Curtice
Register to attend here

Festival of Europe

17th February

Online Zoom /Facebook livestream event

15.00 – 16.30

London School of Economics
In conversation with VP for Spain & Minister for the Economy & Digital Transformation
Nadia Calviño Santamaría, Prof. Iain Begg
Register to attend here

Festival of Europe

7th February

Online event

18.00 – 19.00 GMT

Best for Britain
Beyond Democracy
Alexandra Hall-Hall, former diplomat
Submit questions in advance here
Apply for tickets (£6) here

Festival of Europe

6th February

Facebook live event

20.00 CET

Boris Johnson’s Leaving ‘work event’
Event hosted by James Dart
Join in wishing Big Dog all the best as he moves on to pastures new. BYOB!
Keep it to yourself.
Register to attend here

Festival of Europe

5th February


12.00 – 14.00 GMT

Make Votes Matter:
Elections Bill Rallies
London & Manchester
Speakers (London):
Fleur Andersons, Tom Brake, Naomi Smith, John McDonnell, Carla Denyer, Zack Polanski
Register (London) here
Register Manchester here

Festival of Europe

3rd February

Online event – live

14.00 CET

A Place in the Sun
In conjunction with the British Consulate
Panel includes:
Sarah-Jane Morris & Martyn Standing from Embassy Health & Social Care Team
Register to attend here

Festival of Europe

3rd February

Online event

18.30 – 20.00 GMT

European Movement UK
A Vision for the Future of Europe
Catherine Bearder, Charles Tannock, Richard Corbett, Molly Scott Cato
Join the guestlist here

Festival of Europe

27th January

Zoom event

19.00 – 20.30 GMT

Festival of Europe
Brexit impact on the UK’s music industry
Anna Patalong, Howard Goodall CBE, Julian Azkoul
Festival website here
Register interest here

Festival of Europe

20th January

Zoom online event

20.00 – 21.30 GMT

West Country Voices
Democracy in Danger
Molly Scott Cato – former MEP, Peter Jukes – Byline Times, Naomi Smith – Best for Britain
Register to attend here

I Limbo Too

13th January

Zoom Webinar

15.00 GMT

York for Europe
Join Juliet Lodge for a chat with:
Terry Reintke MEP & Vice-President of Green/EFA group, founder of the EU/UK Friendship Group
Join via Zoom link here

I Limbo Too
Bremain in Spain Annual General Meeting – 15th November 2022

Bremain in Spain Annual General Meeting – 15th November 2022

This year, for the first time, the Bremain AGM was an online event.

We had intended to hold the meeting in London to coincide with the National Rejoin March, but due to the death of the Queen, both events were postponed.

Bremain Chair Sue Wilson started the meeting by welcoming everyone and outlining the agenda before handing over to Treasurer, Helen Johnston, who shared our financial report for 2021 – 2022.

Bremain Vice Chair Lisa Burton then presented our ANNUAL REPORT detailing Bremain’s year. We discussed our growing membership, this year’s achievements, memorable events and media representation.
Sue presented our STRATEGY for the coming year, which was welcomed and approved by all attendees. Bremain Secretary, Mike Phillips, confirmed that all existing council members wished to remain in post and the attendees unanimously agreed and approved this.

The meeting ended with a question and answer section where members put forward any queries and feedback to the council.

Bremain council would like to express our gratitude to those who took the time to attend and to all our members for their continued support.

The MINUTES of the meeting are available HERE

Bremain March for Rejoin – London 22 October 2022

Bremain March for Rejoin – London 22 October 2022

Bremain have never tired in over six years fighting the madness of Brexit. Today that fight moves to a new level.

Council and group members have again travelled from Spain to make our voices heard at the National Rejoin March in London. Our own Chair Sue Wilson OBE will be speaking at the event and will be in illustrious company including Terry Reintke, Molly Scott Cato, Julie Ward, Lord Adonis, Steve Bray, Femi Oluwole, Baroness Sarah Ludford, Mike Cashman, Mike Galsworthy, Siobhan Benita, Madeleina Kay and none other than Guy Verhofstadt.

Stay tuned as we will be following them, and other marchers, throughout the day.

Click on the gallery thumbnails to enlarge and scroll through to see the full images.

You can now see our Chair – Sue Wilson MBE – Full Speech and the Full Stage Show below.

The Build Up

They’re Off

Sue Wilson MBE
Bremain in Spain Chair


Full Speech

National Rejoin March – Full Stage Show

  • Femi Oluwole
  • Guy Verhofstadt
  • Terry Reintke
  • Siobhan Benita
  • Steve Bray
  • Mike Galsworthy
  • Madeleina Kay
  • Sue Wilson MBE
  • Phil Moorhouse
  • Julius Lajtha
  • Molly Scott Cato
  • Nicola Tipton
  • Richard Hewison

The Aftermath

A little of the action