Bremainers Ask

Bremainers Ask… David Henig

Bremainers Ask… David Henig

A leading UK authority on international trade policy, David Henig is Director of the UK Trade Policy Project at the European Centre for International Political Economy (ECIPE), where he examines the economic and trade implications of Brexit and broader UK policy. He...

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Bremainers Ask ……. Nick Harvey

Bremainers Ask ……. Nick Harvey

Nick Harvey became CEO of European Movement UK in July 2023, having formerly served as a Liberal Democrat MP for North Devon (1992-2015) and Minister of State for the Armed Forces (2010-2012).  Nick was also CEO of the Liberal Democrats, and in Parliament served on...

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Bremainers Ask… Liz Webster

Bremainers Ask… Liz Webster

Liz Webster is the founder of Save British Farming, established to challenge the impact of Brexit on British farming and to oppose the decline in British food, animal welfare and environmental standards. Liz was also the lead plaintiff in the 2017 Article 50 court...

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Bremainers Ask…  Lord Chris Rennard MBE

Bremainers Ask… Lord Chris Rennard MBE

 Formerly the Chief Executive of the Liberal Democrat Party, Lord Rennard was elevated to the House of Lords in 1999. He was Director of Campaigns and Elections for the Liberal Democrats from 1989 to 2003 and Chief Executive of the Party from 2003 to 2009.Iain Shirlaw...

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Bremainers Ask……  Prof. Chris Grey

Bremainers Ask…… Prof. Chris Grey

Chris Grey is Emeritus Professor of Business and Management Studies at Royal Holloway, University of London. He previously held professorships at Warwick and Cambridge Universities. Since 2016 he has written the Brexit & Beyond Blog, and he is the author of Brexit...

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Bremainers Ask 2023 highlights

Bremainers Ask 2023 highlights

What did this year’s contributors have to say about rejoining the EU?Gina Miller: What do you think will be the path and timescale to rejoining the EU? Under EU law, the UK is now a third country, so it would have to reapply and undergo the whole accession procedure...

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Bremainers Ask ……  Annette Dittert

Bremainers Ask …… Annette Dittert

Born in Cologne, Annette Dittert is a German author, filmmaker, correspondent, and journalist and regular commentator on British politics and Brexit. She has worked for ARD German TV since 2001, as a war correspondent in Poland, a senior correspondent in New York, and...

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Bremainers Ask …… Gina Miller

Bremainers Ask …… Gina Miller

Gina Miller is a dynamic businesswoman, activist and now, a UK political party leader. In 2012, Gina co-founded the True and Fair campaign, and has campaigned on issues as diverse as modern-day slavery, domestic violence, special needs, inequality, social justice, and...

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Bremainers Ask ……… Dominic Grieve KC

Bremainers Ask ……… Dominic Grieve KC

Dominic Grieve was Attorney General (2010-2014), served as Shadow Home Secretary and was MP for Beaconsfield (1997-2019), as well as chairing Parliament’s Intelligence and Security Committee. He is also president of the Franco-British Society, holder of the Legion of...

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Bremainers Ask Revisited ……

Bremainers Ask Revisited ……

In our occasional “Bremainers Ask Revisited” feature, we ask former contributors to comment on the current state of play, and Brexit in particular. This time we asked Marina Purkiss (Jeremy Kyle Show/Bylines/Trawl Podcast), Professor Anand Menon (Director, UK in a...

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"Europe's two largest donors of military aid to Ukraine — Germany and Britain — are buddying up in a defense pact as fears grow that a victory for Donald Trump in November's U.S. election could spell disaster for European security"

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Minister Steve Baker hid meetings with Legatum’s Shanker Singham by using IEA’s Mark Littlewood as “shill”.

Singham also wrote Gove’s Customs Union policy.

This is how the opaque rightwing thinktanks interweave with Govt.

Hungary facing fuel crisis - it still gets 70% of its oil from Russia!

Kyiv imposed sanctions blocking the transit of pipeline crude to Central Europe — partially negating an EU exemption to give Russian-reliant countries extra time to wean off supplies

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