17 July – UK in a Changing Europe
Live on Slido/You Tube – 13.00 – 14.00 BST
Exploring the prospects for the European Political Community hosted by the new UK government
Speakers: Prof. Anand Menon, Nathalie Tocci, Ilke Toygur, Susi Dennison
Reserve your place here

Festival of Europe

19 June – Unlock Democracy/Make Votes Matter – Online webinar – 19.00 – 20.30 BST
Countdown to polling day – what do the polls really tell us re public opinion, politicians & the state of the nation?
Speakers: Sir John Curtice, Prof. Maria Iacovou
Register to attend here

Festival of Europe

17 June – EU/UK Forum Annual Conference
Online – 10.30 – 17.00 CEST
Addressing the evolving dynamics of EU/UK relations
Speaker: Maroš Šefcovic, EC VP
More information here

Festival of Europe

13 June – Conservative European Forum
Online – 18.00 – 19.00 BST
Between Putin & Trump: the chance for a UK/EU reset
Speakers: Timothy Garton Ash, Isaiah Berlin
Register to attend here

Festival of Europe

30 May – Radix Big Tent
Webinar – 18.00 – 19.00 BST
How would an alternative economic & political philosophy remake a better Britain?
Speakers: Will Hutton, Vicky Pryce
Register to attend here

Festival of Europe

29 May – European Movement UK
Online – 18.30 – 19.30 BST
The fight for the ECHR: What is at stake?
Speakers: Andrew Cutting, Dominic Grieve, Jessica Simor KC
Register to attend here

Festival of Europe

22 May – Open Britain
Online – 19.00 – 20.00 BST
This time no mistakes: How to remake Britain
Speaker: Will Hutton will be discussing his latest publication
Register to attend here

Festival of Europe

15 May – UK in a Changing Europe
In person/Live on Slido – 19.00 BST
Unlocked – how Britain can heal post-Brexit divisions & how a Labour government would differ from the Tories in their international approach
Speaker: Lisa Nandy MP
Register to attend in-person here
Register to attend online here

Festival of Europe

7 May – UCL European Institute
Online – 17.45 – 19.45 ST
Britain’s future relationship with the EU – a German perspective
Speakers: Annette Dittert, Mike Galsworthy
Register to attend here

Festival of Europe

24 April – UK in a changing Europe
In person/live on Slido – 19.00 BST
Unlocked – reflections on elections past & an insight in election number crunching ahead of the general election
Speaker: Sir John Curtice
Register to attend here

Festival of Europe

18 April – Best for Britain
Livestream event – 9.00 – 10.00 BST
Crisis of Confidence: How do we restore trust in politics?
Speakers: Naomi Smith, Ros Taylor, Damian Lyons Lowe
Register to attend here

Festival of Europe

17 April – European Parliament Liaison UK
Online discussion – 15.00 – 16.00 BST
Parliaments in dialogue: EU-UL security policy co-operation – State of play & outlook
Speakers: David McAllister MEP, Alicia Kearns MP, Prof. Malcom Chalmers
Register to attend here

Festival of Europe

16 April – Grassroots for Europe – Round Table
Zoom webinar – 17.00 – 18.30 BST
Women’s role in Democracy & Peace
Speakers: Gina Miller, Helen Maguire, Julie Ward, Kati Systa, Jane Morrice
Register to attend here

Festival of Europe

14 April – N. Herts for Europe
Webinar – 17.00 – 18.30 BST
Brexit: What Rejoiners know, and Brexiters don’t
Speaker: Jonty Bloom
Register to attend here

Festival of Europe

4 April – N.E. Surrey for Europe
Online – 19.30 – 21.00 BST
Join us on the road back to Europe. What’s next for Rejoin?
Speaker: Mike Galsworthy
Register to attend here

Festival of Europe

3 April – WWW Worldwide Wednesday
Online – 20.00 – 21.00 CEST
Rebuilding Britain & Europe’s future hope together – assessing the challenges & opportunities
Speakers: Sir Nick Harvey, Graham Bishop
Register to attend here

Festival of Europe

23 March – Day for Rejoin 2024
In person events – across UK/EU
Get the date in your diary now & watch out for further details. Or organise your own event.
More information here

Festival of Europe

19 March – ECAS Conference 2024, Brussels
In person/Online – 09.30 – 13.00 CET
State of the Union Citizens’ Rights – Towards a stronger democracy that leaves no one behind
For further information email: mailto:claire.morotsir@ecas.org
Register to attend here

Festival of Europe

​18 March – European Movement UK
Webinar/Live stream – 19.30 – 21.00 GMT
British Politics in crisis: Post-Brexit, how do we reclaim the soul of our country?
Speakers: Gina Miller, Gavin Esler
Register to attend here

Festival of Europe

14 March – E. Kent for Europe – UK
In person/online – 18.00 – 19.30 GMT
Learn more about EM’s past significance, 75 year history and its important role in building back our relationship with Europe
Speaker: European Movement UK CEO, Nick Harvey
Register to attend in person here
Register to attend online here

Festival of Europe

12 March 2024 – UK in a Changin Europe
Live on Slido/YouTube – 13.00 – 14.00 GMT
Discussing the Spring 2024 Budget & the potential impact on the UK economy
Speakers: Anand Menon, Jill Rutter, Sarah Hall,
Ben Chu, Jonathan Portes
Register to attend here

Festival of Europe

12 March – Make Votes Matter
Online webinar – 19.00 GMT
The stability compromise: real or imagined?
Speakers: Cat Smith, Dillon Difford
Register to attend here

Festival of Europe

11 March – Institute for Government
Online event – 12.30 – 13.30 GMT
Fixing the centre of Government – launching the final report of the IFG’s Commission on the centre of government
Speakers: Sir John Major, Gordon Brown
Register to watch livestream here

Festival of Europe

5 March – UK in a Changing Europe
Live on Slido/YouTube – 13.00 – 14.00 GMT
Referendums no more? Are referendums off the agenda?
Speakers: Joelle Grogan, Joseph Ward, Matt Qvortrup, Meg Russell
Register to attend here

Festival of Europe

29 February – NE Surrey for Europe
In person/Online – 19.30 – 21.30 GMT
How we can work towards rebuilding o0ur relationship with Europe
Speaker: Mike Galsworthy
Register to attend here

Festival of Europe

22 February – European Movement UK
Online – 18.30 – 19.30 GMT
Face the Music – we need a new deal for musicians
Speakers: Jon Collins, Maura McKeon, Yvonne Wanke, Mike Edwards, Michael Anderson
Register to attend here

Festival of Europe

20 February – UK in a Changing Europe
Live on Slido/YouTube – 13.00 GMT
UK-EU foreign, security and defence cooperation beyond Ukraine
Speakers: Anand Menon, Iain Gill, Richard Whitman, Jannike Wachowiak, Nicolai von Ondarza
Register to attend here

Festival of Europe

7 February – Make Votes Matter
Zoom webinar – 18.30 – 19.30 GMT
The launch of ‘P.R. Delivers’ general election campaign
Speakers:  Femi Oluwole, Jim Williams, Andy Berriman, Steve Gilmore
Register to attend here

Festival of Europe

25 January – London 4 Europe
Zoom Webinar – 18.45 – 20.00 GMT
EU Environmental Policy – its relevance post Brexit
Speakers: Nigel Haigh, Klajdi Selimi, Michael Nicholson
Register to attend here

Festival of Europe

23 January – UK in a Changing Europe
Live on Slido/YouTube – 13.00 GMT
3 years of the Trade Cooperation Agreement
Speakers: Anand Memon, Catherine Barnard, Pedro Serrano, Lindsay Croisdale-Appleby
Register to attend here

Festival of Europe

21 January – North Herts for Europe
Zoom Webinar – 17.00 – 18.15 GMT
Reasons to Hope & Reasons to Despair over Britain rejoining the EU
Speaker: Nick Tyrone
Register to attend here

Festival of Europe

16 January – Patients not passports
Zoom Webinar – 19.00 – 20.30 GMT
A series of Government anti-migrant plans looks set to exclude all but the richest from migrating and families will be torn apart by the new Immigration Health Service.
More information, should you wish to join the campaign, is available here
Register to attend the event here

Festival of Europe

9 January – UK in a Changing Europe
Live on Slido/YouTube – 13.00 – 14.00 GMT
The year of elections – focusing on elections in USA, UK & EU.
Speakers: Anand Menon, Rob Ford, Sara Hobolt, William Galston
More information here
Sign up to watch the event here

Festival of Europe