Bremain BrexElection Briefing 5
Welcome to our 5th Briefing. Please scroll down to the end to make sure you read all the news extracts we have selected for you this week. To read the whole story just click on the link.
As the political conversation moves further away from Brexit, Labour’s chances in the election increase With criticism of the so-called ‘dementia tax’ dominating the headlines and Corbyn focussing more in the left-wing social issues he’s known for, the gap between the two main parties appears to be closing. Against all the odds, the general election campaign is beginning to develop into something vaguely approaching a contest. (Voices > Editorials The Independent 21 May)
The Remain strategy for this election is a simple one Politics is a matter of sentiment, of attitude and feeling. Tactical voting is essential in this general election. It does not matter how big a majority a Brexiter MP has in your constituency, the national aggregate of votes cast for anti-Brexit candidates matters. And in constituencies where a combined tactical vote could oust a Conservative MP, that tactic is an absolute necessity. Give up the tribalism and antipathy of the past; matters are far too serious for that. (A C Grayling New European 22 May)
General Election 2017: who’s more likely to vote — Brexiteers or Remainers? People who voted Remain in the EU Referendum are more likely to vote in the upcoming General Election, according to a new poll. A Sunday Times/YouGov survey found that 76 per cent of those who voted to stay in the European Union say they are ‘absolutely certain’ to vote on June 8. (Anthony Pearce Yahoo News UK 22 May)
The only constituency in the UK where you can’t vote for a man Every political party insists it is promoting women within its ranks and striving towards a more gender-balanced cabinet. But the proof of the pudding, as they say, is in the eating. And at the minute, the overall picture looks far from balanced. There are 104 constituencies in the UK where residents cannot vote for a woman to represent them in Parliament. But there is only one constituency in the whole of the UK where you cannot vote for a man: Glasgow Central. (Heather Saul additional reporting by Charlotte Leedham i News 26 May)
All party leaders except Theresa May and Paul Nuttall sign EU citizen pledge The Home is Here campaign asks candidates to commit to guaranteeing the rights of EU nationals. The leaders of the Tories and Ukip have refused to back a pledge to campaign for the rights of EU citizens signed by all the other mainstream parties. Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn, Lib Dem leader Tim Farron, SNP Westminster leader Angus Robertson, Green co-leader Caroline Lucas and Plaid Cymru leader Leanne Wood have all signed up to the Home is Here pledge. (Julia Rampen New Statesman 26 May)
Conservatives cancel election campaign relaunch as poll lead over Labour evaporates Tories decline to say why event was scrapped – a decision taken as news of major poll shift emerges The Conservatives cancelled the relaunch of their election campaign, as nervousness grew over the party’s evaporating lead in the opinion polls. Faced with the likelihood of difficult questions about the Tory campaign, David Davis suddenly pulled out of a planned event in central London earlier today. With Theresa May abroad at the G7 summit in Sicily, it meant the effective relaunch of the Tory campaign, after the three-day pause because of the Manchester bombings, was put on hold. (Rob Merrick Deputy Political Editor The Independent 26 May)
Defence secretary Michael Fallon slams Jeremy Corbyn’s terror quotes – only to realise they came from Boris Johnson Michael Fallon was left red-faced after he blasted quotes seemingly from Jeremy Corbyn on the war against terror – only to realise they were the views of Boris Johnson. The defence secretary attacked the Labour leader’s policy on defence and views on extremism in Britain, with Mr Corbyn claiming on Friday the war on terror is “simply not working”. (Jonathan Mitchell Evening Standard 27 May)
George Osborne in blistering attack on Theresa May’s manifesto pledges – ‘It’s clearly badly thought through’ George Osborne has publicly attacked key policies in Theresa May’s manifesto just days before the election as he pledged not to “pull punches” after quitting politics. The former Tory chancellor, who was sacked by Mrs May when she became prime minister, called her social care proposals “badly thought through”. He also said the Prime Minister’s repledged immigration target could force family members to live apart and accused her of abandoning liberal politics. (Ben Riley-Smith Assistant Political Editor The Telegraph 27 May)