StopBrexit in Manchester Gallery …. New Updated! Oct 15, 2017 | Campaigns & Events, News Bremain in Spain joined the many thousands in Manchester on the first day of the Tory Party Conference. Their message is to #StopBrexit! See Bremain in Spain – Chair Sue Wilson’s Speech (below and right): Photo Gallery Click to enlarge and move through the gallery StopBrexit Float Bremain in Spain Bremain in Spain Banners Brexit Is Monsterous Bremain Paul and Maria Cartwright – Gibraltar Bremain and AC Grayling Madeleina Kay with artwork for Bremain StopBrexit StopBrexit 2 StopBrexit Brexit Is Monsterous StopBrexit 1 Professor Grayling Manchester is Massive StopBrexit Bremain and the Float Bremain in Spain Brexit Is Monsterous StopBrexit Manchester is Massive StopBrexit StopBrexit Jolyon Maugham Manchester is Massive Jolyon Maugham Manchester March Float Welcome #StopBrexit March in Manchester Manchester StopBrexit Manchester Rally Lets Stop It Float Bremain in Spain Wrexit Thomas Haynes Sue Wilson Bremain Brollies Alastair Campbell StopBrexit Super Girl StopBrexit Manchester Bremain and Gibraltar for Europe StopBrexit Manchester 3 StopBrexit Manchester 2 Stop Brexit Smile for Europe Miriam Margolyes Manchester for EU John Moffett Felix Millbank Exit from Brexit Eu Flag Cost of Brexit Cameron Clack Brexit is Pants Bremain in Spain Bremain Banner Bremain and Float Bremain and AC Grayling 2 Alison McGovern Grayling Gibraltar for Europe Vince Cable Faux BoJo Bonnie Greer Alastair Campbell Peter French David Wilkinson – Film maker Jolyon Maugham Vince Cable Ruth and Malcolm John Moffett Paul and Maria Cartwright – Gibraltar Malcolm Perry Bonny Greer John Moffett StopBrexit Manchester Cable Float Sue Wilson Marching More Live Video