Bremain in Spain coverage in the media is ever growing. You can see some of the latest press appearances below.


In the Press


8 April 2017
La voz en España de los expatriados británicos
Adele Theresa Price está indignada. Mucho. Dolida y enfadada. No entiende qué está pasando en su Inglaterra natal y, menos aún, qué les ha ocurrido a los británicos, un pueblo que siempre ha destacado por la “diversidad”, señala.
La Vanguardia


31 March 2017
Brits in Spain await Brexit talks outcome
The UK officially triggered Article 50 on Wednesday, meaning that proceedings have started for the UK to leave the EU, rather ironically for some, on 1 April 2019.
Sur in English


31 March 2017
Latest news from Bremain in Spain
DURING a conversation with Sue Wilson the chair of pressure group Bremain in Spain, she told Euro Weekly News that she had been very pleased with the fact that more than 100,000 people had taken the trouble to attend the Unite for Europe march.
Euro Weekly News


28 March 2017
Liberal Democrats Brussels & Europe
It’s been a bittersweet week. And none of us are looking forward to tomorrow.
I’ve just come back from London where I took part in one of the many pan European marches to celebrate the EU’s 60th birthday.
Liberal Democrats News


26 March 2017
Españolizados por el ‘Brexit’
Los británicos toman las calles de Londres y Madrid para reclamar su europeidad. Los que piden un pasaporte de aquí se multiplican por siete. «Ya no siento orgullo inglés».
Las Provincias


26 March 2017
100,000 join anti-Brexit march
AN ESTIMATED 100,000 people including Britons from France marched against Brexit in the London sunshine yesterday.
The Connexion


25 March 2017
Los que cobren pensión baja tendrán que regresar
John Muffet, británico que vive en granada
Las Provincias


25 March 2017
No dedico ni cinco minutos a pensar en volver
James Maconachie, británico que vive en Teruel
Las Provincias


25 March 2017
El río europeo desborda Londres
Los españoles en el Reino Unido y los expatriados británicos en España, los gibraltareños y los escoceses, los fans del Liverpool y los paisanos de Shakespeare en Stratford-upon-Avon… Todos ellos hicieron piña de la mayor manifestación pro-europea desde el Brexit: un incesante río azul, salpicado con Union Jacks y demás banderas de la UE, recorriendo el largo trecho entre Hyde Park y la plaza del Parlamento, recuperada ya del espanto.
El Mundo


21 March 2017
Los expatriados británicos en España hacen de tripas corazón por el Brexit
El número de británicos que ha pasado el test de nacionalidad española, uno de los varios requisitos para obtener la nacionalidad, ha aumentado de forma espectacular desde el referéndum británico del pasado junio.
A Financial Times article published in Expansion


20 March 2017
Spanish Brexit negotiator suggests British expats should keep their EU rights
Madrid is seeking a Brexit deal that will allow British expatriates to remain in Spain with full access to their EU benefits.
Jorge Toledo, the Spanish secretary for the EU and the chairman of the working group on Brexit, indicated that his government would “in principle” support the agreement with the UK, so that Britons living in Spain continue to enjoy their EU rights.


20 March 2017
Expat benefits should stay, says Spain
Spain wants a Brexit deal that allows British expatriates to remain on the Costas with their benefits intact, including access to healthcare.
The Times
(Subscription Only)


17 March 2017
Uncertainty for many as Brexit bill gets royal assent
Pro-remain groups are to participate in the ‘Unite for Europe’ march on 25 March to highlight the plight of EU citizens in UK and Britons abroad
Sur in English


17 March
Spain’s UK expats face Brexit Citizenship Dilemma
British passport holders consider switching because Madrid forbids dual nationality.
Financial Times
(Subscription Only)


15 March 2017
Pensioner campaigners protest Britain’s position on Brexit
CAMPAIGN groups championing the rights of British pensioners living in the EU fear that Brexit may force many hundreds of thousands to return to the UK, placing enormous strain on the UK’s already overburdened health and social care services.
Euro Weekly


13 March 2017
As Brexit nears, a look at how 5 people are coping
Brexit. It’s coming, but no one knows what form it will take. Prime Minister Theresa May is expected to fire the starting pistols this month, leading to at least two years of complex negotiations between Britain and 27 other European Union nations with competing interests.
Five people — three in Britain, two in continental Europe — tell how they are coping with the uncertainty
AP Associated Press


12 March 2017
Expatriados, los nuevos indignados británicos
Los británicos en suelo europeo -que superan el millón-reclaman al gobierno de Theresa May que proteja su libertad de movimiento y su derecho a la atención sanitaria, entre otros
El Mundo


16 February 2017
Expat campaign group Bremain In Spain demands EU passports for Brits post-Brexit
The group has backed the Choose Freedom Campaign, which wants Brussels to protect expats’ rights once the UK exits the EU.
The Olive Press


14 February 2017
‘Choose Freedom’: EU passport campaign launched across Europe
Imagine a post-Brexit scenario whereby Brits will be issued with EU passports to secure the right to freedom of movement across the 27 member states of the European Union.
The Local es


13 February 2017
Initiative launched calling for UK citizens to be issued with EU passports after Brexit
If adopted the proposal would help UK citizens keep freedom of movements
The European Commission is being asked to consider issuing EU passports to British people in danger of losing their right to free movement after Brexit.


13 February 2017
Brits in Spain fear post-Brexit backlash and want their voices heard
British people who have made Spain their home are fearful that they will suffer a post-Brexit backlash over the UK government’s treatment of foreigners , and are anxious to make their voice heard.
The Local es