A national march to Parliament
March 25th 2017 11am – 6pm
Park Lane / Hyde Park
Unite for Europe is being organised by a collaboration between several pro-EU groups, representing a broad spectrum across the UK and also expatriates.
Get involved!
For more information see the dedicated Unite for Europe Event Facebook Page
Website: http://www.uniteforeurope.org/
Email: unite.for.europe@gmail.com
Twitter: @uniteforeurope
What’s the message?
We want to remain in the European Union!
We value the peace, friendships, relationships, rights, business & academic collaborations, economic prosperity and outward-looking attitude that European Union membership delivers; it’s best for the UK.
What can we achieve?
We can embolden our elected representatives. The vast majority of our MPs support our membership of the European Union, but they need to know that we still do too – and just how many votes there are in adopting a pro-EU position. There is a long, unpredictable, road ahead that Parliament will have some (hopefully much!) control over; with our vocal support, they can stop Brexit.
We can change minds. As the damage of Brexit reveals itself over the coming months, we can help sway public opinion with our demonstration of support for the European Union and all its benefits.
We can send a message of goodwill to our European friends and neighbours.
Why 25th March 2017?
There are two core reasons:
Unite for Europe is timed to coincide with the UK Government’s stated intention to trigger Article 50 by the end of March 2017. We anticipate that due legal and Parliamentary process will prevent this happening significantly sooner.
Everybody who wants to must be able to attend this march. March 25th allows expats and those in more far-flung regions of the UK time to arrange their transport to London. Additionally, if Unite for Europe were held sooner, the wintery weather of January and February would pose a risk to the success of the march.
What’s the route?
We will be marching to Parliament. The exact route will be finalised when we have an indication of the number of marchers attending. The start location will be advertised on the website, on the Unite for Europe Facebook and Twitter accounts, and in the national press.
What should I bring?
Colourful flags or banners. The more positive the better – let’s show our EU love!
Layers of clothing, including waterproofs. Wear blue and yellow! Snacks and (non-alcoholic) drinks.
Where do I sign up?
You do not need to sign up to Unite for Europe. However, if you have a Facebook account, we’d love you to show your support by telling them – and others! – that you’re coming: https://www.facebook.com/events/1812530828971846/

Contact Unite for Europe
Unite for Europe is being organised by a collaboration between several pro-EU groups, representing a broad spectrum across the UK and also expatriates. If you have any questions, suggestions, or if you or your local group would like to get involved, please contact them via:
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/uniteforeurope
Website: http://www.uniteforeurope.org/
Email: unite.for.europe@gmail.com
Twitter: @uniteforeurope