Elections 2024: Conservatives Ramping Up Disinformation Campaign

Elections 2024: Conservatives Ramping Up Disinformation Campaign

As the mayoral and council elections loom, evidence mounts of disinformation tactics to smear the opposition.

All across England, local elections for 2600 councillors and 10 mayors are looming, and the Conservatives are terrified. With Labour polling at 43% (23% ahead), they are right to be concerned, not only about the forthcoming general election, but about local elections too.

In an effort to stem the tide, the Conservatives are treading on treacherous terrain with their latest attempts to spread fear and disinformation about the opposition. The main focus – and likely no surprise to those living north of Watford – seems to be on London; the main target, London mayor, Sadiq Khan.

The Disinformation Disease

Disinformation in political campaigning is hardly new. In fact, we’ve become sadly familiar with lies and untruths being spread by certain political candidates, especially during and following Brexit. It’s a disease that is spreading, and not just in the UK. You only have to look at Donald Trump in America, or those in British politics aiming to emulate him, for plenty of examples of truth-twisting.

Worrying as the spreading of disinformation is, it raises other serious concerns. If we are surrounded by disinformation, we can easily become inured to it. It becomes the new normal. Worse still – and clearly this is the aim of these campaigns – people will be tricked into believing the untruths and treat them as facts. Sadly, some will be too lazy, or too indifferent, to bother to check for themselves. A fact, no doubt, that the Conservatives are relying on. After all, it worked superbly with Brexit.


False Leaflets, False Claims

The London Conservatives have been engaging in a campaign aimed at spreading fear around Khan’s supposed policies. A leaflet being put through Londoners’ doors warns of the Labour mayor’s proposed policy to further tax drivers with a ‘pay-per-mile’ scheme – a policy that has been repeatedly denied.

More fuel has been added to the fire by right-wing media – the Telegraph and the Daily Mail – who claimed that Khan was investing £150mn in “secret” technology aimed at facilitating a pay-per-mile scheme. However, Khan has declared that “as long as I am mayor”, there will be no such charges.

Conservative candidate for the London Assembly, Callum McGillivray, described the non-existent pay-per-mile scheme, in a video on social media, as “the final deadly blow to motorists, carers, small businesses and tradespeople”. Had he been talking about the Conservatives themselves, his statement would hardly have needed any fact-checking.

The Conservative candidate for London mayor, Susan Hall, is not averse to a little misrepresentation herself. A regular critic of Khan’s ultra low emission zone (ULEZ), Hall describes the supposed pay-per-mile scheme as ULEZ 2.0 and a “disaster for London”. Not only would it drive families and businesses “into debt” but it could force them “out of London” altogether. While Hall may have strong feelings about a non-existent Labour mayoral policy, surely that doesn’t justify sharing a ‘photo’ of a non-existent road sign – depicting a non-existent pay-per-mile zone – on social media. As of the time of writing, the tweet in question is still showing on Hall’s timeline, albeit it with a ‘readers added context’ warning of the inaccuracy.


Disinformation: Facing The Facts

Full Fact, a team of independent fact finders (with 229,500 followers) have expressed concerns about Conservative Party claims in their leaflets. “Deceptive campaign practices”, they say, “can mislead the public during elections and that’s not on”.

Full Fact are also concerned that political parties are dressing up their leaflets to look like local newspapers. So concerned, in fact, that they have started a petition demanding improvements to the rules around the transparency of campaign materials. Perhaps someone should draw their attention to the Conservatives replacing their usual blue leaflets with green ones, in an effort – it would seem – to disguise the party the candidate actually represents.

The Full Fact petition – Stop politicians from pretending to be your local newspaper – aims to end these deceptive practices, which are “misleading the public and undermining trust in our institutions”. Perhaps they could also come up with a campaign to stop politicians pretending to put the country first.

When things get as bad for the country as they have over recent years, it’s not uncommon for the public to be turned off politics completely; to believe that nobody is listening, our leaders are only in it for themselves and that all politicians are the same. Yet despite all the damage, the waste of taxpayers’ money, Brexit, political scandals and more, the polls would strongly suggest that the public can differentiate between the two main parties. We can only hope that they use this last opportunity before the general election to give voice to those feelings.

Just 18 months ago, Rishi Sunak became the latest unelected Conservative leader/prime minister. In his inaugural speech to the country, he pledged a government of “integrity, professionalism and accountability at every level”. The country, still reeling from the Boris Johnson and Liz Truss eras, were desperate to believe every word. They don’t anymore. Hopefully they won’t believe a word of the latest propaganda campaign either, and they’ll consign the misleading leaflets, and the Conservatives, to the bin.

Sue Wilson MBE
A Rose by Any Other Name?

A Rose by Any Other Name?

Multi-millionaire, Richard Tice, has got his knickers in a twist over the definition of Reform UK, formerly known as the Brexit Party. Reform UK – or to give it its official Companies House title, Reform UK Party Limited – has been labelled as a far-right party, a description Tice says is both “defamatory and libellous”.

The BBC has been forced to apologise after labelling Reform UK a ‘far-right’ party in a recent news report. Honorary President and major shareholder, Nigel Farage, told GB News that he “hopes no other media outlets make the same mistake”. Whether Tice’s threat of legal action will extend beyond Britain’s shores to challenge any international media using the same label – such as Le Monde in France – remains to be seen.

Far-right definition

Wikipedia describes far-right politics, or right-wing extremism, as “a spectrum of political thought that tends to be radically conservativeultra-nationalist, and authoritarian”, often with “nativist tendencies”. The site equates the far-right with fascism and Nazism, and includes the National Front, Britain First and the British National Party (BNP) on a list of far-right groups.

While all three groups have faced bans on social media, Tice’s concerns regarding Reform UK’s description are more likely of a financial nature. He fears that the far-right label could affect the party’s access to bank accounts, loans and mortgages.

MA rose by any other name?

While Tice may not like the characterisation by some of his party as far-right, his policies bear a striking resemblance to other groups that satisfy that description. It’s a familiar list that includes anti-immigrant rhetoric, low taxes and patriotic slogans – the “Let’s Make Britain Great” catchphrase being remarkably similar to the National Front’s “Make Britain great again”.

Of course, many of these kinds of policies, and this kind of language, can be heard even from our own government. On occasion, the Tories themselves have been labelled a far-right party, and there are certainly factions within government actively and deliberately pushing the party in that direction.


Splitting the populist vote

After Lee Anderson’s recent defection from the Conservatives to Reform UK, no doubt Tice & co. will be looking to encourage more like-minded populists to jump ship. Claims that he has been offering financial incentives to Tory MPs have been strenuously denied by Tice who said he was merely offering Anderson (back in November 2023), “the chance to change the shape of the debate”. A supposed offer – a guaranteed matching of MPs salary for five years – that Anderson refused at the time.

Tice clearly believes that the way to electoral success is by fighting the government on a populist front. With Reform UK now third in the latest Westminster Voting Intention polls on 14%, and Tories on just 20%, they must believe their plan is working. It may even result in them achieving an electoral first -something they never managed as the Brexit Party – representation in the House of Commons.

In a recent YouGov poll in January, the Conservative Party was “seen as being as right-wing as UKIP was” between 2014 and 2016. Between 2017 and 2019, UKIP was perceived as moving further to the right, with scores rising from 67 to 69 points. The Conservatives – having moved seven points more to the right when Boris Johnson took over – scored 62 points. As at October 2023, Reform UK scored 68 points, “notably to the right of the Conservatives”.

In the run up to the election, the Tories and Reform UK will no doubt continue to battle each other for the populist vote. With policies almost indistinguishable from one other, they’ll be unwilling to call out extremism from within their own ranks, while hypocritically denouncing it in each other. Both will likely at times be branded right-wing or far-right, whether they accept the characterisation or not.

If Reform UK, and the Conservatives, aren’t far-right parties, then what are they? Centre-right? Perhaps. Or at least, that’s what they would like the country to believe. As to which is the more right-wing of the two, you pays your money, you takes your choice.

Meanwhile, as the Tories and Reform UK focus their attentions on battling each other, Keir Starmer will be counting his lucky stars and enjoying the ride all the way to number 10. Hopefully, for the sake of the country, very few far-right-wing politicians will making that same journey to Westminster.

Sue Wilson MBE

Events 2023

Events 2023

23 March – Day for Rejoin 2024
In person events – across UK/EU
Get the date in your diary now & watch out for further details. Or organise your own event.
More information here

Festival of Europe

11 December – Unlock Democracy
Webinar 4pm – 5 pm GMT
British citizens living overseas are poorly represented and neglected by the UK’s current constituency system. Could the French system provide some inspiration for much needed reform?
Speaker: Alexandre Holroyd is a French MP, one of 11 representatives of French citizens living abroad. 
Register to attend here

Festival of Europe

5 December – UK in a Changing Europe
Live on Slido/YouTube 9.30am – 5.15pm GMT
British politics: What does the public think?
Speakers: Rachel Wolf, Chris Curtis, Anand Menon, Ian Blackford, and others
Register to attend here

Festival of Europe

29 November – Another Europe is possible
Online – 18.00 GMT
Defeating the Rwanda plan, tackling racism & empowering Muslim Europe
Nadia Whittome MP, Shaista Aziz, Zeynep Demir
Register to attend here

Festival of Europe

23 November – Guardian
Online – 21.00 – 22.15 CET
How do we move on from Brexit? Will a new government mend relations with the EU?
Speakers: Heather Stewart, Rafael Behr, Polly Toynbee, Anand Menon
More information here
Register to attend here

Festival of Europe

22 November – European Movement UK
Online – 18.30 – 19.30 GMT
Brexit & Business – Findings from the report & making the case for a return to the Single Market
Maura McKeon, Barbara Callendar, Baroness Joyce Quin, plus small business owners
More information, agenda & registration here

Festival of Europe

21 November – UK in a Changing Europe
In person/Online – 9.30 – 17.15 GMT
Brexit: Research evidence – exploring the causes & consequences.
Speakers include: Anand Menon, Dan Wincott,  Stian Westlake, Catherine Barnard, Jill Rutter, Sir John Curtice, David Sterling, Dr. Mary Murphy
Register to attend in person here
Register to attend virtually here

Festival of Europe

18 November – Unlock Democracy
In person/Online – 11.00 – 12.15 GMT
The Future of Democracy
Speakers: Femi Oluwole, Frances Crook OBE
Register to attend in person here
Register to attend online here

Festival of Europe

14 November – UK in a Changing Europe
Live on Slido/YouTube – 14.00 – 15.00 CET
Assessing “Bregret”.
Speakers: Anand Menon, Sophie Stowers, Rachel Wolfe, Lara Spirit
Register to attend here

Festival of Europe

9 November – DCU Brexit Institute
Online – 16.00 – 17.30 IST
The future of UK & EU migration law after Brexit
Speakers: Sir Simon Hughes, David Davin-Power, Matilde Ventrella, Hillka Becker, Janine Silga
More information here
Register to attend here

Festival of Europe

8 November – UK in a Changing Europe
Live on Slido/YouTube – 13.00 – 14.00 GMT
The UK & the E3 – the UK’s approach to European security post-Brexit.
Speakers: Charles Grant, Evie Aspinall, William D James, Richard Whitman
More information here
Register to attend here

Festival of Europe

26 October – London 4 Europe 4th
Zoom webinar – 18.45 BST

Rejoining the EU – Why, When & How?
Brendan Donnelly, Director of the Federal Trust & former Conservative MP
Register to attend here

Festival of Europe

25 October – Another Europe is possible/LSE
In person/Online – 18.00 – 19.30 BST
Brexit: A failed project in a failing state?
A polemical take on Britain’s controversial exit from the European Union and its causes.
Speakers: Danny Dorling, Zoe Williams, Luke Cooper
Register to attend in person here
Register to attend online here

Festival of Europe

19 October – LSE
In person/Online – 18.00 – 19.30 BST
Delving into the complexities of Brexit, reviewing the Brexit archives & a review of the book “Leave to Remain: a snapshot of Brexit”.
Chair: Prof. Tony Travers
Featuring: Author Dr. Noni Stacey
Register to attend here

Festival of Europe

18 October – Europe Calling
Zoom webinar – 18.30 – 20.00 CET
A new constitution for Europe.
The Constitutional Affairs Committee will shortly vote on whether the EP should start the initiative to amend EU treaties. In English & German.
Speakers include MEPs: Guy Verhofstadt, Helmut Scholz, Daniel Freund, Gaby Bischoff, Sven Simon
Register to attend here

Festival of Europe

8 October – North Herts for Europe
Online on Zoom – 17.00 – 18.30 BST
Brexit Britain – What are the consequences of leaving the EU?
Discussing the causes of the Brexit vote in 2016, examining trends in opinion since then and determining if they point to closer ties with the EU or to rejoining.
Prof. Paul Whiteley, Essex University
Join the guestlist here

Festival of Europe

3 October – UK in a Changing Europe
Live on Slido/YouTube – 13.00 BST
Unpacking the cost-of-living crisis. Discussing the latest research, where are the greatest impacts being felt, who is being affected, and how might the situation be improved?
Panel: Jonathan Portis, Sarah Marie Hall, Hannah Slaughter and Xiaowei Xu.
Register to attend here

Festival of Europe

23 September – National Rejoin March
In person – London – 13.00 BST
Join Bremain & march for rejoin!
Speakers include:
Guy Verhofstadt, Gina Miller, A.C. Grayling, Mike Galsworthy, Femi, Madeleina Kay, Steve Bray, Liz Webster & Bremain’s own Lisa Burton
More information will be available from the NRM website here, on Facebook here, on Twitter here or on Instagram here
Watch the Promo Video here
Bremain in Spain Facebook members can join our dedicated NRM march group here

Festival of Europe

22 September – Bremain in Spain AGM
In Person – London – 15.00 – 17.00 BST
Bremain are holding our Annual General Meeting in Europe House in Westminster.
The Agenda will include: Financial accounts, Annual Report, Strategy 2023/2024, Council Elections & Q & A.
There will be plenty of opportunity to take part, ask questions & to influence the future direction of Bremain.
Register your interest here

Festival of Europe

20 September – UK in a Changing Europe
In person/online – 19.00 – 20.15 BST
A fascinating conversation with between Anand Menon & Lord Heseltine, reflecting on his time in government (including roles in the Thatcher & Major cabinets, the current state of UK politics, Brexit, levelling up & the future of the Tory party.
Sign up here

Festival of Europe

19 September – UK in a Changin Europe
Live on Slido/Youtube – 13.00 BST
Can the UK-EU trade agreement be renegotiated?
Anand Menon, Stella Creasey, Peter Foster, Joel Reland, Janike Wachowiak
More information here
Register to attend here

Festival of Europe

13 September – “Our Star” is coming back
Webinar – 19.30 BST
A curtain raiser for the “Choosing our Future” campaign that will launch a nationwide tour of discussions & public events. Find out about the aims, methods & people behind the campaign.
Peter French will be joined by representatives of various regional grassroots groups.
Register to attend here

Festival of Europe

13 September – Grassroots for Europe
Zoom webinar – 19.15 BST
What has Brexit done to our economy, what will it do in the future & what can be done about it?
Speakers: Peter Foster & Alex Hall Hall
Reserve a place here in due course, along with details on how to register to attend.

Festival of Europe

11 September – Glasgow loves EU
Livestream event – 19.30 BST
Join Professor Richard Whitman for a discussion on post-Brexit foreign & defence policy, Brexit & the next general election, & European views on Scottish independence.
Go to the For social media details to access your stream of choice go to Glasgow Loves EU FB page here or contact them by email here

Festival of Europe

7 September – 4 Pro-PR groups
Webinar – 19.00 BST
How did other democracies get proportional representation?
Makes Votes Matter, Compass, Unlock Democracy & Get PR Done will discuss real world examples, practical lessons than can be drawn & the implications for PR campaigning in the UK
More information/reserve your place here

Festival of Europe

20 August – Music sounds better with EU II
Livestream Festival – 16.00 til late BST
Exclusive music, comedy & political commentary, with live chat & prizes.
Hosted by: Lee Rudd (NRM) & Ben Chambers (SMR)
Celebrity participants include:
Femi Oluwole, Terry Christian, Liz Webster, James O’Brien, Mike Cashman, Phil Moorhouse, Max Robespierre & many more
Watch live on NRM website here or on Twitter here

Festival of Europe

8 August – European Movement Scotland
Online Webinar – 18.00 BST
Scotland would rejoin the EU tomorrow is asked – but how?
Prof. Stephen Gethins, Eddie Barnes, David Gow
Register your interest here

Festival of Europe

15 July – European Movement UK
In person event (Sheffield) – 11.00 – 17.00 BST
Grassroots Conference 2023
Keynote speeches, workshops, panel discussions, campaign planning & networking. A light lunch will be provided.
Register to attend here

Festival of Europe

14 July – European Movement International
Digital event – 10.30 – 11.30 CET
16th edition of Talking Europe, in conjunction with the European Commission, aiming to foster debate on the work of the EU & the effect on EU citizens  & the wider European Community.
Featuring: Ana Gallego Torres, Director General of DG Justice
Register to attend here

Festival of Europe

5 July – Grassroots for Europe AGM
Online event – 18.30 – 20.00 BST
Draft agenda includes:

  • Report on activities to date
  • Plans & strategies for coming year
  • Ratification of council

Click on Zoom link to attend here

Festival of Europe

26/27 June – EuroPCom 2023
Brussels/Online – 14.00 (26th) – 14.00 (27th) CET
The European Public Communication Conference: Communicating democracy – communicating Europe.
Register to attend in person here
Register to attend online here

Festival of Europe

26 June – Unlock Democracy
Online webinar – 18.00 – 19.00 BST
A new charter to renew democracy: How can we reverse democratic backsliding in the UK? Join us for the launch of a new report.
Speaker: Prof. Toby James
Register to attend here

Festival of Europe

24 June – Thank EU for the Music
London – 13.00 – 17.00 BST
Remain reunion summer boat party.
An annual awareness-raising event.
Bring your EU flags!
Further information & tickets purchase (£30) here  
or on Facebook here

Festival of Europe

22 June – London for Europe
Webinar – 18.45 BST
Our Star – Choosing our Future
Members of the EU, led by Terry Reintke, have been keeping “our star” safe until the UK rejoins the EU. The star is scheduled to travel from Brussels to London to appear at the National Rejoin March on 23 September, before travelling around the UK.
The webinar will discuss the schedule of events & how you can take part.
Register to join on Zoom here

Festival of Europe

20 June – UK in a Changing Europe – Lunch Hour
Live on Slido/YouTube – 13.00 BST
The Conservative Party after Brexit.
Speakers: Anand Menon, Tim Bale, Katy Balls, Sir Robert Buckland MP, Dr. Liam Fox
More information available here
Reserve a spot here

Festival of Europe

7 June – UK in a Changing Europe Conference
In person/Online – 9.30 – 17.30 BST
Annual Conference 2023, reflecting on the era-defining decision to leave the EU.
Speakers include: Anneliese Dodds MP, Prof. Sir John Curtice, Peter Kyle MP, Prof. Sir Lawrence Freedman. More information here
Register to attend in person here & online here

Festival of Europe

6 June – UK in a Changing Europe – Unlocked
In person & live on Slido – 19.00 – 20.15 BST
The Rt. Hon. Lord Kinnock reflects on his time as Labour leader, assesses Keir Starmer’s chances at the next election, reviews Britain’s place in the world post-Brexit & the state of British politics.
Register to attend in person (London) here
Register to attend online here

Festival of Europe

5 June – Another Europe is Possible
Online Zoom – 19.30 CET
As the economic crisis worsens & consequences of Brexit unfold, public opinion is shifting towards closer EU ties. What long-term strategy should the remain movement take to push for rejoin? 
Speaker: Richard Corbett
Register to attend here

Festival of Europe

4 June – North Herts for Europe
Online Zoom – 17.00 – 19.15 BST
The human cost of Brexit and its impact on those who exercised EU treaty rights.
An account of the In Limbo Project.
Speaker: Cosima Doerfel Hill
Register to attend here

Festival of Europe

24 May – European Movement UK
Online Zoom meeting – 19.00 CET
In conjunction with Labour Movement for Europe, take a look ‘behind the scenes’ at how the Labour manifesto will be drafted & how to get involved.
Register to attend here

Festival of Europe

24 May – Make Votes Matter & others
London – 12.00 – 17.30 BST
The lobby for Equal Votes.
Our politics is out of touch because Parliament doesn’t clearly reflect how we vote. We need Proportional Representation so everyone’s voice is heard. Come to Westminster and meet your MP.
Further information available here

Festival of Europe

11 May – Pulse of Europe/E.Kent for Europe
Online Zoom event – 19.00 – 21.30 CET
Building Bridges between Germany & UK
Topic: Brexit: The current situation, our hopes & how the situation can be improved.
Join the guest list here

Festival of Europe

11 May European Parliament Liaison Office UK
Live Stream – 18.00 – 19.30 BST
What one generation does, so the next can undo.
Speaker: Alistair Campbell
For more information & to register, click here

Festival of Europe

10 May – The Federal Trust
In person (Coventry)/online event – 17.00 BST
Federalism – In Germany, the UK & the EU
Speakers: Dr. Harold Elletson, Brendan Donnelly
To attend in person register here
Watch online on YouTube here

Festival of Europe

9, 11, 13 May – Thank EU for the Music
Liverpool Arena – 21.00 CEST
Eurovision song contest – EU flag giveaway.
Volunteers are needed (likely between 6pm & 9pm) to hand out 1000s of EU flags.
Further information available here

Festival of Europe

8 May – Thank EU for the Music
Europe House, London – 13.00 BST
A pre-concert rally ahead off the Europe Day concert
Speakers include:
Mike Galsworthy, A.C. Grayling, Louise Brown
Further details re the concert here
Further details re the rally here

Festival of Europe

29 April – Volt UK Party Conference – London
In person/Online event – 11.00 – 15.00 BST
Agenda includes:

  • Strategy for General Election
  • Brexit & the Rejoin movement
  • Proportional Representation

Register to attend here


Festival of Europe

27 April – Good Law Project
Livestream event – 19.00 – 21.00 BST
Exploring the themes of “Bringing down Goliath” – in conversation with Jolyon Maugham KC
Hosted by: Carol Vorderman
Register to attend here
Watch on Facebook here
Watch on Twitter here
Watch on YouTube here


Festival of Europe

27 April – London 4 Europe/European Movement
Online event – 18.45 BST
The failure of Remain – a comprehensive study of the anti-Brexit movement
Panel:  Adam Fagan & Stijn van Kessel
Register to attend here


Festival of Europe

26 April – Grassroots for Europe
Online webinar – 19.30 BST
Brexit in the Celtic fringe – the state of the Pro-EU campaign in Scotland, Wales & N.I.
Panel: David Clarke, Jackie Jones, Jane Morris
Registration link available soon


Festival of Europe

25 April – UK in a Changing Europe – London
In person/Slido event – 19.00-20.15 BST
Speaker: the Rt. Hon Tom Tugendhat MP
Further information available here
Register to attend in person here
Register to attend online here


Festival of Europe

18 April – Make Votes Matter
Virtual event – 18.30 BST
Get set to Sort the System – the warm up to the People’s Lobby for Equal Votes taking place on 24 May.
Speakers include: Stephen Kinnock, Tom Brake, Jess Garland, Laura Parker & Nancy Platt
Register to attend here
Further information on the People’s Lobby here


Festival of Europe

30 March – East Kent for Europe
Online Zoom event – 18.00 – 19.30 BST
Where is the UK going? Why do we need Europe?
Speaker: Dominic Grieve – former Attorney General & Chair of Intelligence & Security Committee
Join the guest list here


Festival of Europe

29 March – UK in a Changing Europe
In person/live on Slido – 18.30 – 20.15 GMT
The parliamentary battle over Brexit and the Conservative Party.
Panel: Lord Gavin Barwell, Sir Graham Brady, Anand Menon, Isabel Hardmen, Lisa James, Meg Russell
To attend in person (London) sign up here
To attend online sign up here


Festival of Europe

25 March – National Rejoin March
#DayForRejoin events taking place in UK & EU
Bremain are holding their own events which are open to all, or you could organise your own.
More information on events in Spain below:
Picnic in Barcelona – 13.30 to 16.30 – here
Coffee Morning in La Rabita – 11.30 – here
For more information from the National Rejoin March organisers, checkout their website here


Festival of Europe

22 March – UK in a changing Europe
In person/live on Slido – 18.30 – 21.00 GMT
The economic impact of Brexit – as seen by a variety of economists.
Panel includes: Ken Coutts, Sophie Hale, John Springford, Mehreen Khan, Julian Jessop
Register to attend here


Festival of Europe

21 March – European Citizen Action Service
In person (Brussels)/online – 9.30 – 13.00 CET
ECAS is holding it’s annual ‘State of the Union Citizens’ Rights 2023 Conference’.
Speakers include: Marc Angel (VP of EP), Marrit Westerweel & Dr. Nina Miller
Further information & agenda available here
Register to attend here


Festival of Europe

20 March – Compass
Virtual event – 18.00 – 19.15 GMT
Post-Fordeism: Party and Political Culture in a perma-crisis age
Chaired by: Baroness Ruth Lister
Speakers: Daniel Levy, Martin Forde, Francesca Klug OBE & Jennifer Nadel
Register to attend here

Festival of Europe

19 March – National Rejoin March Q & A
Livestream – 19.00 – 20.00 GMT
Come & meet the NRM organisers & ask any questions
Hosted by: Lee Rudd
For further information, NRM website here
To attend event, choose relevant SM link:
Facebook Twitter YouTube TikTok


Festival of Europe

2 & 5 March – European Movement UK
Online Events – 19.00 (2nd) & 20.00 (5th) GMT
Hustings with candidates nominated for Chair
Hosted by: Gavin Esler
Candidates: Tom Brake, Patience Wheatcroft & Mike Galsworthy
Register to attend on 2/3 here
Register to attend on 5/3 here


Festival of Europe

1 March – The Northern Ireland Deal – Brexit Spotlight 60-Minute Briefing 17:00 GMT
Luke Cooper talks to Sorcha Eastwood (Alliance Party MLA) & Lisa Whitten (Queen’s University Belfast) about the Northern Ireland Deal between the UK and EU.
Live on YouTube
Links: https://www.brexitspotlight.org/ https://www.anothereurope.org/


Festival of Europe

28 February – UK in a Changing Europe
Live on Slido & YouTube – 13.00 – 14.00 GMT
How feasible is “rejoin”?
Panel incudes: Anand Menon, Joelle Grogan, John Curtice Catherine Barnard & Hussain Kassim
Register to attend here

Festival of Europe

23 February – London 4 Europe/EM UK
Online Webinar – 18.45 GMT
Why the N.I. Protocol is a great British concern (& not for the reasons you think)
Speaker: Prof. Katy Hayward
Register to attend here

Festival of Europe
22 February – Bath for Europe/EM UK
Online Webinar – 18.00 GMT
How we return to the EU – EM’s step-by-step strategy to rejoin the European Union.
Speaker: Anna Bird, CEO of EM
Register to attend here
Festival of Europe

15 February – Grassroots for Europe
Online webinar – 18.00 – 19.30 GMT
Brexit Polling: Beyond the Numbers.
Recent polls record a steady increase in anti-Brexit sentiment – the panel will interpret the results and discuss the implications
Panel includes:
Richard Bentall, Peter Kellner, Flo Hutchings
Register to attend here

Festival of Europe

7 February – Make Votes Matter
In person (London)/online – 19.30-20.30 GMT
Democracy loves climate justice
Panel includes:
Baroness Natalie Bennett, Clive Lewis MP, Liz Saville Roberts MP, Dave Timms
Tickets for in person attendance from £5; tickets for online attendance £5
Register to attend/buy tickets here

Festival of Europe

2 February – European Movement UK
Online webinar – 19.00 – 20.30 GMT
The REUL Bill threatens our rights
Speakers include:
Caroline Lucas & Mhairi Snowden
Register to attend here

Festival of Europe
24 January – UK in a changing Europe
In person conference, London – 1.30 – 5.00 GMT
A reflection on the relationship between the UK & EU from 1972 to today, to coincide with 50th Anniversary of UK accession.
Panel includes: Stephen Kinnock, Catherine Barnard, Jonathan Hill, Anand Menon
Register to attend here
Festival of Europe
10 January – Oxford for Europe/Cambridge for Europe – Virtual Meeting – 19.00 GMT
A discussion about the current political malaise & what needs to be done about it.
Speaker: Prof. Richard Murphy
Register to attend here
Festival of Europe
National Rejoin March II – Saturday 23rd September

National Rejoin March II – Saturday 23rd September

Bremainers March For Rejoin
Saturday 23rd September 2023

Keeping up with the march as
it happened.

“We marched for an end to Brexit, we marched for a second referendum, and we’ll keep marching until the politicians catch up with common sense and the British public and take us back into the EU, where we belong.”

Bremain’s Vice Chair Lisa Burton’s excellent speech.

“As British migrants living in Spain, we are literally living proof of the incredible opportunities that freedom of movement can bring. Most of us would not now qualify for any visa post-Brexit and we need to change the narrative, and minds, because the removal of freedom of movement only stops our children, families, and friends from having the same opportunities as 450 million of our European neighbours. Rejoining is inevitable; demographics alone prove this. Our politicians need to get on board to stem the damage now and start talking about how we can get back into the heart of Europe. We need a seat at that table for all our sakes” – Lisa Burton Vice Chair Bremain in Spain

We Want Our STAR Back…

“You might expect that after seven long and painful years since the referendum, Brits abroad might have gotten over the stress, anger and sadness that shocked us to the core when we heard the result of the referendum. That has not been our experience at Bremain in Spain. When Brexit was supposedly “done”, we expected our membership numbers to dip as we all tried to come to terms with the situation. With Brexit removing our treasured rights and opportunities, we were now having to fight for all that we had lost with our hands tied behind our backs. We expected some members would think it was now time to move on – for their own sanity, if nothing else – but in fact, our numbers continue to grow.

Protecting the rights of UK nationals in the EU has always been one of our primary goals. Whilst we should look at all available options to enhance those rights, we have never believed in cakeism. The only way for us to regain all that we have lost is to regain our EU citizenship, and there is only one way to do that – by rejoining the EU. That’s why we were protesting and speaking at the National Rejoin March in London, as we have done every year since 2016, and will continue to do until we are back at the heart of Europe where we belong. This is too important a fight, and even if our politicians aren’t brave enough to admit as much, the public have woken up. Rejoining the EU is inevitable. We just have to get on with it. The country cannot afford to wait!” – Sue Wilson MBE Chair Bremain in Spain

“It was another brilliant day in the Rejoiner calendar, with numbers bigger than the first march last year. Despite some of the frankly ridiculous reports in UK media. People from all around the UK attended, not least seriously dedicated groups from Scotland. We also had people come from our European neighbours, not least the amazing crew at Bremain in Spain, one of whom, Lisa Burton, spoke at the rally and blew away the audience! It was an extremely positive and hope filled day and plans are now already underway for National Rejoin March III in 2024. See you all there!” – Peter Corr – Co-Founder National Rejoin March