Brexit: Brits in Spain react to Theresa May’s speech

Brexit: Brits in Spain react to Theresa May’s speech

Theresa May’s Conservative Party conference speech is causing confusion and consternation amongst members of the anti-Brexit campaign group Bremain in Spain.
When the British Prime Minister danced on stage to deliver a crucial keynote speech to the Conservative conference in Birmingham, on Wednesday, no-one was listening more keen that those campaigning for the rights of British citizens in Europe.

But while Mrs May sought to quell discord within her own party and reassure Britain that the end of austerity was in sight with Brexit, she did little to assuage fears from British residents in Spain worrying about what effects Brexit, deal or no deal, would have on them.

“Literally dancing on to stage in Birmingham – to the sounds of the famous Europop tune, ‘Dancing Queen’ by ABBA – Mrs May casually set about promising a continuation of her parochial dedication to Brexit and implied that those against her Chequers agreement are “unpatriotic”,” said a statement from the campaigning group Bremain in Spain.

Warning! (parental advisory) shocking video content of May dancing…

Read full story here at The Local



Expat group Bremain in Spain blast Theresa May’s Florence Brexit speech

Expat group Bremain in Spain blast Theresa May’s Florence Brexit speech

A group campaigning for the rights of British citizens in Spain, responds to Theresa May’s Brexit speech that took place today in the historic city of Florence, Italy.


Theresa May’s speech today in Florence, Italy was an opportunity to send out signals of clarity following widespread criticism about how the government is handling the Brexit process.

Bremain in Spain a group of volunteers campaigning for the UK to remain in the European Union respond to May’s speech.

Sue Wilson, Chair of Bremain in Spain, comments: “If May’s intention was to facilitate progress in the negotiations, I fear she will be disappointed. As per usual, we have more soundbites than substance.

“I can’t believe anything she said today would persuade the EU27 that sufficient progress has been made to move forward.”

Wilson adds: “Many of us feel prouder of being European than British, thanks to Brexit.

“It’s abundantly clear that May has no authority left in the UK or the world stage. The sooner she and her government realise that the EU holds all the cards, the better.”

Crowds of protestors carrying placards swamped the area where May was giving her speech saying their rights were not being represented.

Bremain in Spain will be participating in the ‘Stop Brexit National March’ in Manchester on Sunday 1 October. The event will feature political heavyweights including Alistair Campbell, AC Grayling, Bonnie Greer, Alison McGovern and Richard Corbett.

See original article from Olive Press