Theresa May admits she knew about Leave rule flout before Article 50

Theresa May admits she knew about Leave rule flout before Article 50

The confession came in response to a high court challenge to the Brexit vote being pursued by British citizens living in France, Italy and Spain.

The expats want to stop the UK leaving the EU, and went to the courts after the Electoral Commission found “beyond a reasonable doubt” that Vote Leave and BeLeave broke the law during the 2016 referendum campaign by exceeding spending limits.

They argue that the conduct of the Brexit backing campaigners should nullify the result.

But May’s lawyer says their argument is “unsustainable”.

In his submission to the court, which was released by the Brits abroad, Joseph Barrett of 11KBW chambers says: “At the time the decision to give article 50 notice was taken, it was a matter of public record that campaigners may have breached campaign finance requirements, and other requirements, during the EU referendum campaign.

Read full article in The National

Brexit: May knew leave campaigners may have broken financial rules

Brexit: May knew leave campaigners may have broken financial rules

Theresa May knew leave campaigners may have breached financial limits during the EU referendum campaign when she triggered article 50 initiating Brexit, her lawyers have admitted.

In a formal response to a high court challenge over the legitimacy of the vote, lawyers for the prime minister have been attempting to dismiss the action brought by Britons living in France, Italy and Spain.

By suggesting flaws in the referendum process were already anticipated, Joseph Barrett, the barrister who wrote the response, has implied there was nothing new for the court to investigate.

The rival submissions and responses were released on Monday by lawyers acting for the organisation UK in EU, which had crowdfunded the legal challenge.

Its claim argued that the Electoral Commission’s findings on BeLeave and Vote Leave, which resulted in two officials being reported to the police and fines being imposed, mean the 2016 EU referendum was not a lawful, fair or free vote.

Read full story in The Guardian

Sue Wilson, la británica que desafía a May desde Alcossebre: “Habrá otro referéndum”

Sue Wilson, la británica que desafía a May desde Alcossebre: “Habrá otro referéndum”

Susan Wilson enseña en varias ocasiones su teléfono móvil, sentada en la terraza en la que se desarrolla la entrevista frente a la playa del Cargador de Alcossebre (Castellón). “Mira. En apenas cuatro horas hemos recaudado casi 9.000 libras. El objetivo era recoger 10.000 libras el primer mes para poder empezar a pagar a los abogados”.

Wilson es la presidenta de Bremain in Spain, un movimiento de expatriados británicos repartidos por toda España que rechaza la salida del Reino Unido de la Unión Europea, que ya suma más de 5.000 integrantes en su grupo de Facebook y que ha convertido las redes sociales y la plataforma de videconferencias Skype en su sala de reuniones.

Full story in El Confidencial


Expatriados britânicos na Europa iniciam processo legal contra o “Brexit”.

Expatriados britânicos na Europa iniciam processo legal contra o “Brexit”.

Expatriados británicos que viven en España, Francia e Italia han iniciado un proceso legal ante el Tribunal Superior de Londres contra el referéndum de 2016 en el que el 51,9 por ciento de los votantes optaron a favor de que el Reino Unido abandone la Unión Europea (UE), reveló este martes (14.08.2018) el diario británico The Guardian.

Los expatriados, organizados en un grupo denominado “EU Challenge” (“Desafío de la UE”), argumentan que las faltas que cometió la campaña favorable al “brexit”, que ha sido condenada por incurrir en un exceso de gastos, invalidan la votación. En julio, la Comisión Electoral británica determinó que la campaña “Vote Leave” (“Vote por salir”) superó por más de 675.000 libras (756.000 euros) su techo de gasto, que estaba situado en 7 millones de libras (7,84 millones de euros).

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